Outfit of the Day: Joe Fresh

Tuesday 3 June 2014


I have heard from American bloggers that Joe Fresh is a big deal there.  Personally, I have never been too interested in giving them a try because they are sold in grocery stores here.  Seriously.  A Fashion brand that you can pick up at Loblaws or Zhers.  That being said as it turns out they have some pretty cute things.  Also, I can't look a gift sundress in the mouth.  Mmmm presents!

Joe Fresh Cardigan $19
Joe Fresh Dress $19
Bracelet from Shoppers Drug Mart $10~
Necklace from Forever 21 $15~

I love mint, gold, and statement necklaces.  No, seriously, I own probably 4 of them that from a distance look the same, but I know they are all unique and special ;)  I picked up this necklace a while ago, but I thought it went well with the outfit!

Also, mint, gold, statement, and cheap.  So much happiness.  And seriously, Shoppers Drug Mart is such a fantastic store.  

Over all I am really impressed by Joe Fresh.  Looking through their store section I saw some hits and misses (as with any brand) but totally fell in love with their bright cardigans and this easy to wear navy and white polka dot dress.  They had some statement jewellery at the cash but I have enough at home.  The fact that this outfit (with jewellery I already had at home) came to under $40?  Pretty sweet.  I can't wait to wear this in Cape Cod at the end of the summer <3  Maybe with pearls?

What do you think of Joe Fresh?  What is your favourite discount clothing line?

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